What do you want to accomplish this month?

Hello October! ​
Something I started doing more of this year is short term goal setting followed with some sort of challenge to go with it! ​
Taking time at each new month to tentatively plan out the month ahead and really think about where I wanted to be at the end of the 30 days.
Looking at different areas of life like finances, health , fitness, house systems, relationships..
whatever is in need of improvement.. then come up some a goals and a mini challenge to work on it.
This year I did a 30 day workout challenge, a 7 day running challenge lots of mindset challenges even a laundry challenge 😂
​ It’s a fun way to change things up, get into a routine, get out of a slump etc and it helps gives direction to your routine. ​
Which ultimately helps you get closer to the things you truly want to accomplish, or bad habits you want to overcome or habits you want to create! ​
I mean, we are given this one beautiful life and I feel like we waste too much time waiting, wishing and worrying about things instead of taking action not because we’re lazy but because we just don’t really think too much about it.
We always have goals but we rarely put them on a timeline. We just say things like I really need to do that or I want to eat better, I need to workout more, or take vitamins or clean that closet out but we don’t take it any further either out of busyness, feeling overwhelmed, unsure or waiting for motivation to hit!
✨​Mel Robbins says something like “No one is coming to save you/ push you..but you!” ​
And I love that! It’s so true! ​
No one is going to get you up at 5am to workout but you.
No one is going to make you quit drinking pop everyday, or force you to take control of your eating habits, or schedule your doctor appointments or declutter your house or do that project you’ve been meaning to get to or save for those vacations you’ve been wanting to go on…but YOU! ​
Since it’s the beginning of a new month It’s the perfect day to take 5-10 minutes this evening and to think about where you want to be in 30 days or if that feels to restrictive plan it for the end of the year 2023 and write it down. Doesn’t have to be fancy or perfect just one small thing you want to work on. ​
✨Need help? Just ask;
What areas in my fitness need improvement?
What is one thing in my diet I should focus on?
What is one thing I would love to accomplish this month?
What’s one thing in my daily routine that I’d like to get rid of?!
And see what pops up! ​ ​
If it’s something in your diet like “well I shouldn’t eat so many chips” then make a plan to make or buy healthier alternatives and stop buying chips so much. You can even pick just ONE day a week as your No Chip day and do it every single day this month.
Just start small! But start! ​ We can’t get the momentum going if we don’t ever start!
So here is your sign today to get the ball rolling this month into whatever it is you want to work on! ​
​ ✨If your current goals are to
get back on track with your exercise and eating habits
get into a routine
get out of a overwhelm with nutrition
learn to meal prep
or establish consistency..
Fit Kitchen Bootcamp is open for enrollment and we’re zoning in on clean eating, nutrition, meal prep and daily targets! ​ I’m super excited! You’ll be learning my best balanced bowl recipes and methods, get weekly workouts and nutrition coaching! ​
✨My goal for you at the end of the 8 weeks is to feel like you have a solid foundation from understanding nutrition better, to selecting products to having a much better routine around food and fitness
to have more energy, physically and even mentally feel better, less stressed, less bloated and less sugar cravings
and have created your own clean eating pantry staples from fridge to pantry to freezer
along with a meal plan you can rotate!
PLUS you will get weekly coaching and accountability so you feel supported and on track! ​ ​
👉Enroll now with my current sale price of $197!!
If you’ve been wanting to get back on track or into a healthier routine, want to clean up and streamline your diet, need that weekly motivation and accountability and ready to make a commitment to your health the next two months this program is perfect for you!
👉Click the link below to get all the details and Enroll with my current sale price of $197! I would love to have you join us!
My in person classes are tentatively coming back Tuesday Nights 6PM. Let me know if you’re interested!
​Fit Kitchen Bootcamp starts soon! Learn my best meal prep shortcuts, how to eat healthier for your goals and how to keep up so that you can create a routine you love and can stick to!
Have the healthiest October!

Hi! I'm Kayla

I help health conscious women eat healthier consistenly, lose weight and get in shape without the overwhelm!

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Hey Reader! Welcome to Fit Kitchen Bootcamp! Super excited to get started on this 8 Week health and fitness journey with you, starting Oct 8th! Read your welcome letter / first packet here! -> Welcome FKBC.pdf Thankyou so much for joining, I'll talk to you next week! Kayla Sian kaylasianfitness.com