Week 2!! Smoothie Week and Daily Targets!
This week is about adding a smoothie to your diet everyday! Daily would be ideal BUT most days this week is perfect.
It's all about progress not perfection!!
Keep track on the smoothie journal at the end of the packet to see how they are working for you and things you need to adjust. Excited to hear your feedback!
2. Daily Targets!
You're also going to start being intentional about the daily targets. Water, Mindset and Movement!
Using the same guide from last week, start implementing those small habits as best you can. Worksheets are in the attached packet for guidance.
2. Mindset- Take just a couple minutes a day and focus your intention on your daily goals, your why and the mantra "I am becoming a healthier version of myself " then add your why after that! Adding intentions around the things we do really does make a huge difference in our mindset. Try it this week and keep track in your journal.
3. Movement; aim for 10 minutes of active movement a day! I know were all busy BUT I also know you have 10 minutes during the day to take out for you and squeeze in for a workout, a stretch sesh, some yoga, a walk, a dance party, a few laps up and down your stairs, etc. Get creative and move your body everyday this week! Doesn't have to be all at once but aim for 10 active minutes everyday!
Keep track in your notes or journal and see how you feel as you go throughout this challenge!
Take a few minutes tonight to look ahead to this next week. Think about your goals, if you're able, plug your workouts into your calendar and print the daily checklist for water, mindset movement and smoothies!
Have the healthiest week,
I help health conscious women eat healthier consistenly, lose weight and get in shape without the overwhelm!
Hello October! Something I started doing more of this year is short term goal setting followed with some sort of challenge to go with it! Taking time at each new month to tentatively plan out the month ahead and really think about where I wanted to be at the end of the 30 days. Looking at different areas of life like finances, health , fitness, house systems, relationships.. whatever is in need of improvement.. then come up some a goals and a mini challenge to work on it. This year I did a 30...
Hey Reader! Welcome to Fit Kitchen Bootcamp! Super excited to get started on this 8 Week health and fitness journey with you, starting Oct 8th! Read your welcome letter / first packet here! -> Welcome FKBC.pdf Thankyou so much for joining, I'll talk to you next week! Kayla Sian kaylasianfitness.com